Action |
Associates an action to a property or reference in the view.
Actions |
A group of @Action associated to the same member.
AddAction |
Allows you to define your custom action to start
adding new elements to a collection choosing from existing ones.
AddActions |
A group of @AddAction associated to the same collection.
AsEmbedded |
Makes that the behavior in the view for a reference (or collection) to entity
will be as in the case of a embedded object (or collection to entities with
Calculation |
Expression to do the calculation for a property.
Collapsed |
The member will be shown collapsed for the indicated views.
CollectionView |
The view of the referenced object (each collection element) which is used to
display the detail.
CollectionViews |
Condition |
Restricts the elements that appear in the collection.
Coordinates |
Allows to choose a point in a map and store it.
DateTime |
Indicates that the date must be displayed and editing including the time part.
DefaultValueCalculator |
For calculating its initial value.
Depends |
Declares that a property depends on other one(s).
DescriptionsList |
With @DescriptionsList you can instruct OpenXava to visualize references
as a descriptions list (actually a combo).
DescriptionsLists |
DetailAction |
In collection view to add actions in detail mode, usually actions which scope
is the detail that is being edited.
DetailActions |
Discussion |
Field that contains a discussion thread, just like the ones in forums, trackers, blogs, etc.
DisplaySize |
The size in characters of the editor in the User Interface used to display
this property.
DisplaySizes |
A group of @DisplaySize associated to the same property.
EditAction |
Allows you to define your custom action to view a collection element.
EditActions |
A group of @EditAction associated to the same collection.
EditOnly |
The final user can modify existing elements in the collection,
but not add or remove collection elements.
Editor |
Name of the editor to use for displaying the member in this view.
Editors |
A group of @Editor associated to the same member.
EmailList |
String to save several emails separated by commas.
EntityValidator |
This validator allows to define a validation at entity level.
EntityValidators |
File |
The user can upload a file in this property, so the file is attached to the entity.
FileItemUpload |
Configure the way files can be uploaded in a FileItem property.
Files |
The user can upload several files in this property, so the files are attached to the entity.
Hidden |
A hidden property has a meaning for the developer but not for the user.
HideDetailAction |
In a collection it allows you to define your custom action to hide
the detail view.
HideDetailActions |
HtmlText |
Stores rich text in HTML format that the user can edit with a rich text editor.
Icon |
A field that display an icon, the user can change the icon.
IP |
String used to store a IP address.
Label |
String field displayed as a label.
LabelFormat |
Format to display the label of this property or reference (displayed as descriptions list).
LabelFormats |
LabelStyle |
Style to display the label of this property or reference (displayed as descriptions list).
LabelStyles |
A group of @LabelStyle associated to the same member.
ListAction |
In collections to add actions in list mode; usually actions which scope is
the entire collection.
ListActions |
A group of @ListAction associated to the same collection.
ListProperties |
Properties to show in the list for visualization of a collection.
ListsProperties |
ListSubcontroller |
Allows to define a subcontroller in a collection.
ListSubcontrollers |
String to store a media access control address (MAC address).
Mask |
Define format for the string in input.
Money |
BigDecimal used to represent money.
NewAction |
Allows you to define your custom action to start
creating a new element to a collection.
NewActions |
A group of @NewAction associated to the same collection.
NoCreate |
The final user cannot create new objects of the referenced type from here.
NoFrame |
The reference is not displayed inside a frame.
NoModify |
The final user cannot modify the current referenced object from here.
NoSearch |
The user will not have a link to make searches with a list, filters, etc.
OnChange |
Action to execute when the value of this property/reference changes.
OnChanges |
A group of @OnChange associated to the same member.
OnChangeSearch |
Action to execute to do the search of a reference when the user
types the key value.
OnChangeSearchs |
OnSelectElementAction |
Allows to define an action to be executed when an element of the collection is
selected or unselected.
OnSelectElementActions |
Password |
A password field that shows * when user types.
PostCreate |
Callback executed before creating an object.
PreCreate |
Callback executed before creating an object.
PreDelete |
Callback executed before creating an object.
PropertyValidator |
The validator execute validation logic on the value assigned to the property
just before storing.
PropertyValidators |
PropertyValue |
Encapsulate the value for inject it in a property.
ReadOnly |
The member never will be editable by the final user in the indicated views.
ReferenceView |
View of the referenced object used to display it in a reference.
ReferenceViews |
RemoveAction |
Allows to define a custom action to remove the element from the collection.
RemoveActions |
RemoveSelectedAction |
Allows to define your a custom action to remove the selected elements
from the collection.
RemoveSelectedActions |
RemoveValidator |
The @RemoveValidator is a level model validator, it is executed
just before removing an object, and it has the possibility to deny the deletion.
RemoveValidators |
Required |
Indicates if this property or reference is required.
RowAction |
In collections to add an action in each row, but not in the collection button bar.
RowActions |
A group of @RowAction associated to the same collection.
RowStyle |
For indicating the row style for Tab s and collections .
RowStyles |
A group of @RowStyle associated to the same collection.
SaveAction |
Allows to define a custom action to save the collection element.
SaveActions |
A group of @SaveAction associated to the same collection.
SearchAction |
Allows you to specify your own action for searching.
SearchActions |
SearchKey |
A search key property or reference is used by the user to search.
SearchListCondition |
Defines a condition to be used when showing list of selectable items
for adding elements to a collection or assigning value to a reference.
SearchListConditions |
Stereotype |
A stereotype is the way to determine a specific behavior of a type.
StringTime |
A time stored as an String.
Tab |
Define the behavior for tabular data presentation (List mode).
Tabs |
A group of @Tab associated to the same entity.
Telephone |
Field used to store a phone number.
TextArea |
String used to represent a big area of text.
Tree |
With @Tree you can instruct OpenXava to visualize collections
as a tree instead of a list.
Trees |
A group of @Tree associated to the same collection.
View |
Defines with precision the format of the user interface or view.
ViewAction |
Allows you to define your custom action to view a collection element.
ViewActions |
A group of @ViewAction associated to the same collection.
Views |
A group of @View associated to the same entity.
XOrderBy |
The eXtended version of @OrderBy .
ZerosFilled |
Used to fill the field with zeros, the amount of zero is what remains to complete the field (Leading zero).