Annotation Type Tree

  • @Repeatable(Trees.class)
    public @interface Tree
    With @Tree you can instruct OpenXava to visualize collections as a tree instead of a list.

    Applies to @OneToMany/@ManyToMany collections. Example:

      @OneToMany(mappedBy="parentContainer", cascade = CascadeType.REMOVE)
      @OrderBy("path, treeOrder")
      private Collection treeItems;

    The full syntax for @Tree is @Tree(forViews="", notForViews="", pathProperty="path", idProperties="", idSeparator=",", initialExpandedState=true, orderIncrement=2, pathSeparator="/").
    1. forViews. Indicates in which views the tree behavior is going to be applied.
    2. notForViews. Views which are excluded from the tree renderization.
    3. pathProperty. Indicates the property to be used as the path, by default points to "path". You can customize this property if the entity path reference is persisted in a property with another name.
    4. idProperties. The tree implementation needs a unique identification for each of the elements displayed. By default the tree implementation use the properties annotated with @Id, but you can define which properties the tree must use as the unique identifier. The defined properties are comma separated.
    5. initialExpandedState. If true the tree is rendered with all nodes expanded.
    6. orderIncrement. If you define a orderBy and the orderBy is an integer type, the Tree implementation uses this field to allow reordering of the tree elements, by default the increment value is 2 and is the minimum allowed. This value allow easy reordering of elements.
    7. pathSeparator. If you use a separator for your path different than the default "/". Then you can set this property to the value that you are using.
    Federico Alcantara
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      java.lang.String forViews
      List of comma separated view names where this annotation applies.
      java.lang.String idProperties
      java.lang.String idSeparator
      boolean initialExpandedState
      java.lang.String notForViews
      List of comma separated view names where this annotation does not apply.
      int orderIncrement
      since OpenXava 7.2 Optional.
      java.lang.String pathProperty
      java.lang.String pathSeparator
    • Element Detail

      • forViews

        java.lang.String forViews
        List of comma separated view names where this annotation applies.

        Exclusive with notForViews.
        If both forViews and notForViews are omitted then this annotation apply to all views.
        You can use the string "DEFAULT" for referencing to the default view (the view with no name).

      • notForViews

        java.lang.String notForViews
        List of comma separated view names where this annotation does not apply.

        Exclusive with forViews.
        If both forViews and notForViews are omitted then this annotation apply to all views.
        You can use the string "DEFAULT" for referencing to the default view (the view with no name).

      • pathProperty

        java.lang.String pathProperty
        Optional. Defaults to path. Property used for the path, must be a String type with a size appropriate to the task at hand.
        property name
      • idProperties

        java.lang.String idProperties
        Optional. Comma separated list of properties used for identifying the tree node. By default the id of the entity is used. If more than one property is used, their values will be nodeIdSeparator separated and enclosed in brackets.
        node property name.
      • idSeparator

        java.lang.String idSeparator
        Optional. String to be used to separate multiple Id elements.
      • initialExpandedState

        boolean initialExpandedState
        Optional. Indicates how to render the tree when the expandedPropertyName is not defined. It's default value is true.
        expanded state.
      • orderIncrement

        int orderIncrement
        since OpenXava 7.2 Optional. Defines the increment used for the keys when orderBy is used The default value is 2. The minimum is 2.
        order increment.
      • pathSeparator

        java.lang.String pathSeparator
        Optional. Defines the separator for the path elements. Default value is /
        path separator character.