April 4, 2022
XavaPro 6.6.3 released  XavaPro 6.6.3 is a maintenance version with several bug fixes:
- Includes OpenXava 6.6.3.
- Improved documentation for overwriting organization creation logic.
- Fix: Folders not copied correctly from root on create new organization if folders names are duplicated.
- Fix: Password and user data can be modified in organization with 'shared users' mode, which is confusing.
- Fix: On deleting an organization displayed organization data is not cleared.
- Fix: Delete organization action available when creating a new organization.
Try it yourself Demo: http://www.openxava.org/XavaPro (User: demo, Password: demo) If you want to try the admin features reply to this email asking for the admin password. If you want to try the mobile features access to above URL using your mobile phone. To learn more go to the XavaPro page. If you're an Enterprise customer you will receive an email with the upgraded Enterprise edition. |