
November 18, 2024

OpenXava 7.4.3 released

This is a maintenance version with many bug fixes and some small improvements.

To update edit the pom.xml file in your project and change the value of the openxava.version property, in this way:


Then rebuild your project:

  • With OpenXava Studio:
    • Right mouse button in your project > Run As > Maven clean
    • Right mouse button in your project > Run As > Maven install
  • Or with command line: mvn clean package

You don't need to download OpenXava Studio again, your current OpenXava Studio will work with the new OpenXava version automatically. You don't need to download anything, just update the pom.xml of your project.

Look at the migration instructions.


We have done some improvements:

  • List header labels are multiline with resizeColumns=true varying the number of lines as the width changes. 
  • Invoicing archetypes include an initial database populated with sample data.

Upgraded libraries

We have upgraded the following third party libraries:

  • HSQLDB upgraded to 2.7.4.
  • Hibernate Validator upgraded to 6.2.5.
  • Groovy upgraded to 4.0.24.
  • Embedded Tomcat used in development upgraded to 9.0.97.
  • Driver version in doc/new projects upgraded for Oracle.


We have been working to improve documentation:

  • Article in documentation about how to use project templates or archetypes.
  • Lesson 7 of the reporting course with JasperReports available in the documentation with video.
  • 'How to install' documentation improved to cover some tips to work with Mac.
We release new docs and videos constantly, not waiting for the official release of the code. So you have been already using some of the above material, although all the above docs are in the GitHub under the 7.4.3 tag.

Bug fixes

We have done many fixes:

  • Fixed 1 security vulnerability in dependencies, now we have 0 vulnerabilities.
  • Fix: Drag & drop in the tree does not move the element to the correct place and removes nodes.
  • Fix: If an exception is produced by the getter of a calculated collection the module breaks.
  • Fix: Third level properties in baseCondition but not in list for @Tab fails for certain properties names.
  • Fix: Modules don't start in production Tomcat with some Linux and JDKs with a javax.swing.KeyStroke error.
  • Fix: Calculated property outside a group that @Depends on a property inside that group is not calculated. 
  • Fix: Default width for icon type columns too big when resizeColumns=true.
  • Fix: Date and some numeric values truncated on the right by default when resizeColumns=true in wide lists.
  • Fix: SchemaTool does not work against Oracle.
  • Fix: Checkbox of boolean editor badly aligned.
  • Fix: @OnChange in a reference not triggered on typing if the referenced model has a @SearchKey reference.
  • Fix: Clearing a reference value does not fire the changed message on leaving the record.
  • Fix: 'Open in new tab' row action does not work for lists annotated with @OrderColumn. 
  • Fix: The tree collapses when the dialog closes if idProperties of @Tree uses a property other than 'id'.

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