June 1, 2021
OpenXava 6.5.2 released This is a maintenance version with many bug fixes and some small improvements. We invite you to download it and upgrade your OpenXava applications. Look at the migration instructions. |
Small improvements We have done some small improvements:
- Use of 4 digits for year in dates for all locales.
- 'How to' documentation improved.
- Oracle configuration documentation improved.
- Concurrency and version property documentation improved.
- Documentation to modify and build OpenXava code improved.
Bug fixes This is a maintenance version with many bug fixes:
- Fix: Adding date separators and completing century in year only work for first date in view.
- Fix: Date calendar and rich text editor do not change the language when xava.portal.locale is changed.
- Fix: When locale is changed via code (xava.portal.locale) the link for help documentation is not updated.
- Fix: Modules in left menu in incorrect language when you change locale from code (xava.portal.locale).
- Fix: SchemaTool does not work with AS/400 on creating the foreign keys.
- Fix: Icon of the action to search references is difficult to see in Dark theme.
- Fix: Redundant columns to add to list when using inheritance with entities with collections.
- Fix: Action links for rows in list inside dialogs are difficult to see in Dark theme.
- Fix: Calendar icon inside date fields is difficult to see in Dark theme.
- Fix: Error message about SameSite attribute with cookies in FireFox console.
- Fix: Dead code in JavaScript editors.
- Fix: Poor performance getting calculated collections in some circumstances.
- Fix: Saving a collection element fails if the collection is inside a reference displayed with @AsEmbedded.
- Fix: It's possible to remove attached files inadvertently in upload editors, now it asks for confirmation.
- Fix: OpenXava.buildOpenXava Ant target doesn't work if ISO-8859-1 is not defined at Eclipse level.
- Fix: Italian dates do not use 4 digits for years.
- Fix: Editing a date of 20th century with popup calendar shows the date in the 21st century.
- Fix: Adding separators to date or completing century in year doesn't work if there is a leading space.
- Fix: Changing total property in @ElementCollection for existing entity not recalculated dependent values.
- Fix: NullPointerException in log filtering in a list in the dialog to choose an element for a reference.
- Fix: Last new line ( ; ) in a @View used as base with view inheritance is ignored.
- Fix: Modifying a transient reference by code produces the "Changed data" message on exit.
- Fix: Transient references are available for adding by user on customizing list columns.