January 23, 2019
OpenXava 6.0.2 released This is a maintenance version with many bug fixes and some small improvements. We invite you to download it and upgrade your OpenXava applications. Look at the migration instructions. |
Small improvements We have done some small improvements:
- Workspace in distribution upgraded to Eclipse 2018-12, though it still works with Neon (4.6).
- New method resetAllModulesExceptCurrent() in ModuleContext to reset all the modules state.
- New method getSelectedKeys() on CollectionBaseAction.
- Some new common use labels to be used in applications.
Bug fixes This is a maintenance version with many bug fixes:
- Fix: Action New in @ManyToMany collections fails on save the element.
- Fix: Pressing "Change name/remove" from a search reference dialog shows another dialog on top.
- Fix: Default i18n translations do not work after creating a new project.
- Fix: Moving columns in a list with calculated properties produces an error dialog sometimes.
- Fix: Editor formatter does not work in list mode with enum types.
- Fix: Style that returns "DetailList" in getDefaultModeController() enters directly in detail mode.
- Fix: Filtering for @DescriptionsList references in list fails when the id contains a dot.
- Fix: @ListProperties with references of an @Embeddable fails for cascade REMOVE/ALL collections.
- Fix: Same reference name with @DescriptionsList inside and outside a dialog shows the same elements.
- Fix: CRUD.refresh does not work on combo of @DescriptionsList(showReferenceView=true) references.
- Fix: Dependent descriptions lists do not work with showReferenceView=true.
- Fix: @ElementCollection with inheritance with a getter in the base class is rendered as @OneToMany.
- Fix: Keystrokes for changing section break the page in a view without section.
- Fix: Pressing Ctrl-2 in login page breaks the page.
- Fix: Card subheader with a lot of content not very legible in Light theme.
- Fix: Hover on cards make the content blurred in Terra theme.
- Fix: Buttons are ugly on iPad.
- Fix: Booleans cannot be unmarked in @ElementCollection.
- Fix: Loading... fixed when saving totals in collections.
- Fix: Popup calendar generates bad format for DATETIME for locales IT, US, etc. in Java 9, 10 and 11.
- Fix: Cut and paste in collection fails in some cases if we check the rows and click the above button.
- Fix: CollectionBaseAction.getMapsSelectedValues() returns only the key when clicking on row.