
February 24, 2022

JPA inheritance and agile development

We have just published three new videos of the OpenXava course. The videos for the lessons 5, 6 and 7. The lesson 5 explains how OpenXava is a good tool for agile development and in the way teaches you about collections of entities and how to use @OneToMany and @ListProperties annotations.

Video for lesson 5: Agile development with OpenXava

Watch lesson 6 to learn how to use mapped superclasses from JPA to avoid to write repetitive code in your OpenXava application.

Video for lesson 6: Mapped superclass inheritance

Finally lesson 7 talks about entity inheritance with JPA and OpenXava. We use interitance to add a new entity to our invoicing application, Order, using a little amount of code.

Video for lesson 7: Entity inheritance

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