Cloud ERP with OpenXava Cloud ERP is an Argentinian company that offers a complete ERP in the cloud for the Latin American market. Developed with OpenXava it includes purchases, sales, deposits, accounting, BI tools, business indicators tool, on-line CUIT validation, electronic invoicing, digital certificates management, etc. Multicompany and mobile ready. In production since 2016. When we asked Sergio Coll from Cloud ERP why they chose OpenXava he tells us: "1) The OpenXava architecture allows us a lot of flexibility and productivity. We evaluated several ERP-oriented frameworks, specially OpenERP (Odoo), and they have problems that include a lot of built-in functionality, so we should adapt to it. Whereas OpenXava (with XavaPro) comes with the essential for any enterprise application, the security. And allows you to develop any functionality on top. This is flexibility. About productivity, the model with the view and controller, provide tools to develop very fast. In business applications this is an important point, because the models and requirements are very dynamic. 2) Code availability. It is always good to have the code to solve any unexpected problem. 3) User interface. Searching and frequent modules is something that I didn't see in other ERP products, it's astonishing, especially for users that use many modules and have to consult very diverse information. It's very agile. 4) Community / forum / communication. The communication in the forum and emails is very dynamic. I like it." |