After starting a project with a composite key database structure and a
business need to load tables from external sources on an ongoing basis,
considerable effort was spent trying to get composite keys working for an
OpenXava project. This specific example was the most problematic: how to
get multi-level parent/child structures working, since there are some
problems in Hibernate support for this structure.
The specific scenario demonstrated here seems to be the most difficult in
Hibernate. Key requirements are as follows:
- Three tables Level1, Level2, and Level3. Level2 is a child of
Level1, Level3 is a child of Level2.
- Keys are implemented in standard ERD fashion. For example, the
primary key of Level3 is the combination of the +
- While key values should be assigned in a next-available scenario,
from a data perspective it would be nice if keys could be sequentially
assigned within associated parent keys starting at 1, just like
someone would do if they assigned them in a spreadsheet, but remaining
unique within the specified parent keys. For example, many families
can have a child with the same name, but within a family, no two
children should have the same name.
- This is an OpenXava solution, and as such is based upon JPA but also
dependent on Hibernate. Warning: Some
Hibernate-specific components have been used, but only where necessary
to get the solution working correctly.
- All database column names have been overridden in this example so
that it is evident when we are referring to database field names
versus Java field names.
- Likewise, this example uses Java field names which clearly describe
the context where they are used. Some developers prefer standardized
names for identifiers or keys (e.g. id, pk, etc). You are free to
follow your own standard, the chosen standard was used so that all
field references are distinct within the example for ease of learning.
- While @IdClass might not be your preference to use, this is what
works with Hibernate at this time. If @EmbeddedId support for
composite keys is improved in future releases, it may become viable to
use here. Generally, @EmbeddedId is easier to read, and certainly a
lot cleaner than some of the non-standard @IdClass structures we have
in this example which have been coded to avoid some existing
bugs/deficiencies in Hibernate.
your @Entity classes
public class Level1 {
@Id @Hidden
@GenericGenerator(name="my_seq_gen", // 1
@Parameter(name="id_query",value="select max(LEVEL1_ID) + 1 from LEVEL1")
private int level1Id;
@Column(length=20,name="LEVEL1_NAME",unique=true,nullable=false) // 2
private String level1Name;
@OneToMany(mappedBy="level2Parent") // 3
private Collection<Level2> level1Children;
... getters and setters ...
- This is a custom sequence generator that uses an SQL query to find
the highest key in use now and return the next available key. At
Level1, this is a static query, so it is included as a parameter here.
- No duplicate names allowed.
- This declares a convenient way to display the associated children.
This is optional, you can include it or not based on your display
@IdClass(Level2Id.class) // 1
@Table(uniqueConstraints=@UniqueConstraint(columnNames={"LEVEL1_ID","LEVEL2_NAME"})) // 2
public class Level2 implements IDynamicSqlSequence { // 3
// Annotations for this field are duplicated in the ID class due to a Hibernate bug -- please keep in sync!!!
@ManyToOne(fetch=FetchType.EAGER) // 4
private Level1 level2Parent;
// Annotations for this field are duplicated in the ID class due to a Hibernate bug -- please keep in sync!!!
@Id @Hidden
@GenericGenerator(name="sql_seq_gen", // 5
private int level2Id;
private String level2Name;
@OneToMany(mappedBy="level3Parent") // 6
private Collection<Level3> level2Children;
... getters and setters ...
public String nextKeyQuery() {
String myResult = new String("select max(LEVEL2_ID) + 1 from LEVEL2 where LEVEL1_ID = ");
myResult += level2Parent.getLevel1Id(); // 7
return myResult;
- The ID class will be demonstrated below
- Value of the name field must be unique within the specified Level1
- The generated key in this case depends on the parent, so a callback
has been implemented. IDynamicSqlSequence interface defines the
contract for this callback
- This defines the relationship to the parent
- SqlSequenceGenerator implements the logic for the sequence generator
- A convenient way to display the associated children
- Returns the SQL query used by the sequence generator, including the
substitution of the current parentage ID values
@Table(uniqueConstraints=@UniqueConstraint(columnNames={"LEVEL1_ID","LEVEL2_ID","LEVEL3_NAME"})) // 1
public class Level3 implements IDynamicSqlSequence {
// Annotations for this field are duplicated in the ID class due to a Hibernate bug -- please keep in sync!!!
@JoinColumns({ // 2
private Level2 level3Parent; // 3
// Annotations for this field are duplicated in the ID class due to a Hibernate bug -- please keep in sync!!!
@Id @Hidden
private int level3Id;
private String level3Name;
... getters and setters ...
public String nextKeyQuery() {
String myResult = String.format("select max(LEVEL3_ID) + 1 from LEVEL3 where LEVEL1_ID = %1$s and LEVEL2_ID = %2$s",
level3Parent.getLevel2Parent().getLevel1Id(), // 4
return myResult;
- Names must be unique within the specified Level2 parent
- Lists the parent fields included in the composite key
- Level3's parent is a Level2 item
- Returns the SQL query with the values of the parent identifiers
parsed into the where condition
@IdClass classes.
Typically, the key classes do not normally have many annotations. However,
in order to work around the Hibernate shortcomings, it has been found that
if the annotations are duplicated here, it works.
public class Level2Id implements Serializable, IDynamicSqlSequence { // 1
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// These field annotations are duplicated from the entity class due to a Hibernate bug. Please keep in sync!!!
// If the Hibernate bug gets fixed, these should all be removed.
private Level1 level2Parent;
// These field annotations are duplicated from the entity class due to a Hibernate bug. Please keep in sync!!!
// If the Hibernate bug gets fixed, these should all be removed.
private int level2Id;
... getters and setters ...
... implement required methods for IDynamicSqlSequence interface (copy from Level2) ...
... hashCode() and equals() ...
- In support of the custom ID generator in the annotations,
IDynamicSqlSequence interface is also implemented here.
public class Level3Id implements Serializable,IDynamicSqlSequence {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 4L;
// These field annotations are duplicated from the entity class due to a Hibernate bug. Please keep in sync!!!
// If the Hibernate bug gets fixed, these should all be removed.
private Level2 level3Parent;
// These field annotations are duplicated from the entity class due to a Hibernate bug. Please keep in sync!!!
// If the Hibernate bug gets fixed, these should all be removed.
@Id @Hidden
private int level3Id;
... getters and setters ...
... implement required methods for IDynamicSqlSequence interface ...
... hashCode() and equals() ...
for System-Assigned Keys
This section includes a system-assigned key solution (required so that any
numeric PK fields can be hidden making the user interface clean). While it
is not critical to the solution that you use this specific approach, if
your legacy database uses numeric PK values (as many do) it is likely that
some method will be necessary for a clean user interface (since the user
is not likely to know the next available key value).
Note: This solution has not been
tested for thread-safety (in the case of concurrent user requests to
insert rows to the same table). User beware!!!
* Custom class to generate the next available sequence number appropriate for the context using SQL.
* Classes which use this generator must implement IDynamicSqlSequence interface which requires the following method(s);
* a method which returns an SQL query to calculate the next sequence.
* @author Roy Hellinga
public class SqlSequenceGenerator implements IdentifierGenerator, Configurable {
public static final String PROPERTY_KEY_QUERY = "id_query";
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SqlSequenceGenerator.class);
private Properties props = null;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see, java.lang.Object)
// Until OpenXava 6.0.2 public Serializable generate(SessionImplementor session, Object object) throws HibernateException {
public Serializable generate(SharedSessionContractImplementor session, Object object) throws HibernateException { // Since OpenXava 6.0.2 that uses Hibernate 5.3
Integer nextValue = new Integer(1);
IDynamicSqlSequence myClass = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
String qs = null;
if(props.containsKey(PROPERTY_KEY_QUERY)) {
qs = props.getProperty(PROPERTY_KEY_QUERY);"RH:Property-based query for next key=" + qs);
try {
myClass = (IDynamicSqlSequence)object;
catch(Exception e) {
log.error("Problem casting the Entity to the interface. Ensure interface IDynamicSqlSequence is implemented.",e);
throw new HibernateException("Problem casting the Entity to the required interface",e);
qs = myClass.nextKeyQuery();
if(qs == null) {
log.error("RH:nextKeyQuery() returned null.");
throw new HibernateException("nextKeyQuery() callback returned null");
else {"RH:Callback query for next key=" + qs);
rs = session.connection().createStatement().executeQuery(qs);
int newId = rs.getInt(1);"RH:Generated next key="+newId);
nextValue = new Integer(newId);
catch (SQLException e){
log.error("Unexpected SQL Exception while calculating key value", e);
throw new HibernateException(e);
finally {
if (rs != null) {
try {
catch (Throwable t) {
log.error("Unexpected exception closing result set", t);
throw new HibernateException(t);
if(nextValue.intValue() < 1) {
log.warn("RH:This must be the first row in this table -- setting initial value to 1");
nextValue = new Integer(1);
return nextValue;
public void configure(Type arg0, Properties arg1, Dialect arg2) throws MappingException {
props = arg1;
Complete source for the above solution is here:
If you have a functioning MySchool project, you should be able to unzip
the above file into your src folder of that project, build your project,
update your schema, and deploy to your web app server.
This example could be improved with the following contributions:
- Any advancements in subsequent Hibernate releases (current example
was developed using Hibernate 4.3.9.Final)
- Possibly eliminate some of the duplication between the entity and
the ID classes. It is likely that the duplicated annotations and code
would only be executed in one place, but which annotations and code
could be suppressed is to be determined.
- Thread-safety for the provided sequence generator (probably using a
table lock of some sort).