openxava / documentation
/ Spring scheluding in your OpenXava application
Sometimes we need to schedule some tasks to be executed regularly, like
importing records from remote database or regularly creating reports and
sending them by e-mail. OpenXava doesn't have built in features for
scheduling so we need to use something else.
Spring is one of the most popular frameworks on the market, so why not use
it for this task?
I will use the latest version of Spring to date which is version 5.
To do this we need to modify our project. I'll use my own project as an
From the eagle's view we'll create the following files (the root will be
your projects's folder in openxava workspace and my project's name is
also we need to download the latest version of Spring library and extract
the following files into directories:
I've found in a hard way that I also have to _manually_ copy all contents
from /Callcenter/lib to /Callcenter/web/WEB-INF/lib
because OpenXava workspace built in a way which prevents Eclipse from
using 'Deployment Assembly' settings. So when you'll try to 'create War'
all your libs wouldn't be automatically copied. Still, I think that it is
better to keep all your jars in a separate folder because you can always
manually copy
them later. But if you keep them in /web/WEB-INF/lib from the start you
can forget which ones are yours and which ones are part of OpenXava.
Now we have to tell Eclipse that we want to include those jars in our
project. To do this you have to:
1) Open your project in Eclipse and right click on the project (not
workspace!) root, then select 'Properties'
2) Open 'Java Build Path' and click on 'Libraries' tab. Now, using 'Add
Jars' button, add all Spring libraries from /lib folder
3) Click on 'Order and Export' tab in the same window and put check mark
against every jar you just added.
4) Click on 'Deployment Assembly' on the left side of the window. Click
'Add...' button and from 'Java build path entries' add all Spring jars we
just added.
5) Click 'Apply and Close'
Now lets create the first 3 files I mentioned.
Those are the contents of ''
package com.bilesuvar.callcenter.scheduled;
import org.springframework.scheduling.annotation.Scheduled;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
public class BusRoutesPump {
public void pump() {
// Some useful stuff you want to do regularly
And 'applicationContext.xml'
<beans xmlns=""
xmlns:mvc="" xmlns:context=""
<context:component-scan base-package="com.bilesuvar.callcenter.scheduled" />
<!-- Configure the scheduler -->
<task:scheduler id="myScheduler"/>
<!-- Configure parameters -->
<task:scheduled-tasks scheduler="myScheduler">
<task:scheduled ref="busRoutesPumpService" method="pump" fixed-delay="900000" initial-delay="10000"/>
And 'listeners.xml'
Well, that's all.
Better to rebuild your project just to be sure. Press 'Control-B'.
Right click on 'build.xml' file in your project's root and select 'Run as
-> Ant build'
And sometimes you need to right click on your Tomcat 7.0 server and select
'Clean Tomcat Work Directory' and 'Clean...'
You know all this shaman's stuff :)