openxava / documentation / Security and user management

Table of contents

Security and user management
User management
Restricting user access to actions
Restricting user access to properties, references and collections (new in v5.5)
Read only module with one click (new in v7.2)
Hiding a module in the menu without restricting it (new in v6.5)
Disable list customization (new in v7.4)
User and password policies
Custom authentication code for LDAP (new in v7.4)
Guest can create a user account himself
Creation date and record of logins for each user
Password recovery (new in v5.7)
User is asked to enter his email (new in v5.7)
Email as user name (new in v6.0)
Restrict access by IP (new in v6.4)
Custom authentication code (new in v7.0)
Custom Sign In page (new in v7.1)
Single Sign-On (SSO) (new in v7.1)
Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) (new in v7.1)
All the features in this article are available only in XavaPro

User management

XavaPro adds the modules Roles, Modules and Users to your application, in a folder called Admin. These modules allows you to configure the access levels for different user types.
Usually, you create a new role and assign some modules to it. Then, go to the Users module, choose a user and assign the new role to him. By default, there are two roles already created: admin with access to Users, Roles, Modules and Folders , and user with access to all the modules of your application. New modules are not added automatically to user role (or any role), so you have to add new modules explicitly to role user (or any other role) using the Roles module.
If you remove access to the default module of an entity, modifying and creating references to that entity is not allowed. For example, if the users of a particular role cannot access the Customer module, they cannot create or modify customers from the Invoice module either (new in v5.3).
The above user management system is only available in XavaPro, with plain OpenXava you have to add users in the file inside properties folder of your project.

Restricting user access to actions

If you want to restrict users of certain roles from executing certain actions, go to the Roles module and choose that role to edit in detail mode. Then click in the module where you want to restrict those actions, and a dialog like the next one will appear:
Select the actions you want to exclude and click on Save. From now on, all the users of that role will not be able to execute those actions in that module.
Restricting access to New and Save restricts access for creating and modifying from references also, if you do it for the default module of that entity. For example, if you restrict access to Save action in Customer module, the user will not be able to modify Customer data from Invoice module (new in v5.3).
Restricting user access to actions is only available in XavaPro.

Restricting user access to properties, references and collections (new in v5.5)

If you want to restrict users of certain roles from accessing certain properties, references or collections, go to the Roles module and choose that role to edit in detail mode. Then click in the module where you want to restrict those members, and a dialog like the next one will appear:
Select the members you want to exclude in Excluded data and click on Save. From now on, all the users of that role will not be able to access those members in that module. Note you also have Read only data to allow the users to see the data but not to change it.
Restricting user access to properties, references or collections is only available in XavaPro.

Read only module with one click (new in v7.2)

Since version 5.5, you have the capability to designate specific data as read-only for a particular role and control the actions available for that role. With this feature, you can easily make a module read-only for a specific role. However, this approach had its drawbacks, especially when new fields were introduced to the entity, as it required constant configuration adjustments.
To address these challenges, starting from version 7.2, the module rights configuration dialog for a role now includes a convenient checkbox labeled Read only. This checkbox enables you to mark a module as read-only for the selected role with a single click, simplifying the process significantly:
A read only module has all member not editable and only has navigation and print actions.
Read only modules are only available in XavaPro.

Hiding a module in the menu without restricting it (new in v6.5)

If you want that a module will be not shown in the menu for users of certain roles but that at the same time that module would be accessible by those users, typing the URL in the browser, for example. Go to the Roles module and choose that role to edit in detail mode, once there click on the module you want to hide in the menu, and a dialog like the next one will appear:
Check the Not in menu option and click on Save. From now on, all the users of that role will not see the module, Customer in our example, in the left menu, however it will be still accessible, so if the user goes to with his browser the module will work.
Hiding modules in the menu is only available in XavaPro.

Disable list customization (new in v7.4)

OpenXava allows users to customize the list to their liking by adding, removing, or moving columns. Of course, XavaPro has never allowed users to add properties to which they do not have access according to the XavaPro permission settings. Additionally, OpenXava has always allowed this feature to be disabled globally (for all modules and users) by setting customizeList=false in However, this is not sufficient when certain users should not have the ability to customize the list at all, while others should. For this reason, since version 7.4, it is possible to disable the ability to customize the list for users of a specific role.
To disable list customization, go to the roles module, choose a role, and from there select a module. This will display the module rights configuration dialog for a role, which now includes a checkbox labeled No list customization. Check it to disable list customization for that module, for users of that role:
Disabling list customization by roles is only available in XavaPro.

User and password policies

There are a lot of options available for user management and password policies. In the Admin folder you'll find a Configuration module:
You can configure these policies in order for your system to be PCI-DSS compliant, which is required for any applications which handles credit card data!
The option to Allow several sessions per user (new in v7.4) allows the same username to be used by several different people from different machines/browsers at the same time. This allows to deactivate a feature introduced in v7.3 that made it so that when identifying with a username if that user had a session started from another machine or browser, that session would be cancelled, forcing that a same user could only be identified once at the same time.
These policies for users and passwords are only available in XavaPro.


XavaPro allows the users to be authenticated via LDAP. To configure LDAP edit the file and add the next entries:
# LDAP Config
If you use OpenLDAP omit the ldapDomain entry (since v5.9.1), like in this example:
# Example of OpenLDAP Config
Note as ldapDomain has no value.
By default all the users are authenticated using XavaPro stored passwords. To enable LDAP you have to select the users and check Authenticate with LDAP option:
LDAP support is only available in XavaPro.

Custom authentication code for LDAP (new in v7.4)

To define your own user authentication logic against your LDAP server, you need to create a class that implements the ILDAPAuthenticatorProvider interface. Sometimes the default logic that XavaPro uses to authenticate against the LDAP server is not sufficient; you may want to authenticate against multiple LDAP servers, a special LDAP server that requires special code, etc. In these cases, you can define how XavaPro authenticates users against LDAP in your application by extending ProLDAPAuthenticatorProvider, like this:
package com.mycompany.myapp.impl;

import java.util.*;

import javax.naming.*;

import org.apache.commons.logging.*;
import org.openxava.util.*;

import com.openxava.naviox.impl.*;

public class MyCustomLDAPAuthenticatorProvider extends ProLDAPAuthenticatorProvider {
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(MyCustomLDAPAuthenticatorProvider.class);    
    public boolean isValidLogin(String user, String password) {
        // This code is an example of logic for accessing LDAP,
        // you will need to write your own
        Hashtable<String, String> props = new Hashtable<String, String>();        
        String ldapDomain = getProperties().getProperty("ldapDomain", "").trim();
        String ldapHost = getProperties().getProperty("ldapHost", "").trim();
        String ldapPort = getProperties().getProperty("ldapPort", "").trim();
        String ldapDN =  getProperties().getProperty("ldapDN", "").trim();
        String ldapProtocol = "636".equals(ldapPort)?"ldaps":"ldap";         
        String ldapURL;        
        String securityPrincipal;
        if (Is.emptyString(ldapDomain)) {  
            ldapURL = String.format("%s://%s:%s", ldapProtocol, ldapHost, ldapPort); 
            securityPrincipal = String.format("%s%s%s", "uid=" + user,         
        else {     
            ldapURL = String.format("%s://%s:%s/%s", ldapProtocol, ldapHost, ldapPort, ldapDN); 
            securityPrincipal = String.format("%s%s%s", ldapDomain, 
        props.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
        props.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, ldapURL);
        props.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
        props.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, securityPrincipal);
        props.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
        props.put("com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.timeout", "60000"); 
        try {
            DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(props);
            return true;
        } catch (NamingException ex) {
            log.error(XavaResources.getString("ldap_authentication_error"), ex);  
        } finally {
  "javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL: " + ldapURL);
  "javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL: " + securityPrincipal);
        return false;
In this example, the logic used is the typical way to connect to an LDAP server and is very similar to the default logic used by XavaPro. You will need to write your own logic here. This authentication logic only applies to users marked with Authenticate with LDAP.
To make your application use the above class for LDAP authentication, you need to add the following entry to your project’s file:
The support for defining custom logic for LDAP authentication is only available in XavaPro.

Guest can create a user account himself

In the sign in box you have a link labeled as SIGN UP:
The user can click on it to go to a form to registering:
After submitting this form the user is created and signed in. There is a self sign up role to determine the rights for the autocreated users.
You can disable this feature with the configuration module.
Since v6.0 you can show a privacy policy in the sign up page, the privacy policy text is get from privacy_policy entry in the messages i18n files. It's required that the user check the checkbox to accept the policy to do the sign up. The date of the policy acceptance is stored with the user data. You can hide the privacy policy on sign up using the configuration module.

Creation date and record of logins for each user

Just go to the users module to see that data:

Password recovery (new in v5.7)

The user can recover his password by himself. When he fails to put the correct password a "Forgot your password?" message with a link is shown:
When the user clicks on the link goes to a page to enter his email:
After clicking on the "Recover password" button an email with instructions to recover the password is sent. Of course, a user with that email has to be registered in the system.
To use the recover password feature you have to configure the email properties in, something like this:
#SMTP related information

User is asked to enter his email (new in v5.7)

In order the recovering password mechanism works it's needed that each user has his email registered in the system. So now if the user has no email XavaPro asks for it after sign in:
Entering the email is not required, the user can go to any other module and leaves the email blank if he wishes.
This new "My personal data" module is always available for all users to edit their own personal data.
To disable this feature, so the user is not asked to enter his email each time he sign in, you have to remove the "My personal data" module from the role of the user.

Email as user name (new in v6.0)

In the Configuration module there is an option called Use email as user name. If you check it it's required that when a new user sign up uses an email as user name. Moreover, the already created users can sign in using their emails instead of user names.
The validation of the email on sign up can be customizing with the emailValidatorForSignUpClass in, for example:
In this case the validation logic of MyEmailValidator (must implement IPropertyValidator) is applied on sign up for the email. The default validation for email just verifies that email has the correct syntax, but sometimes you want to have different validation, such as the email would be a company email, for example. You can do that validation in your custom email validator.

Restrict access by IP (new in v6.4)

It's possible to define an "allowed IP" for a user so that user can only access from that IP. For that, go to the Users module in the Admin folder, choose an user and then give a value to the Allowed IP field:
Finally, click on Save. If the Allowed IP value is blank the user can access from any IP.

Custom authentication code (new in v7.0)

To define your own logic for user authentication you have to create a class that implements the ISignInHelperProvider interface. The typical case is to refine the standard way XavaPro authenticates users, for that extend ProSignInHelperProvider, in this way:
package com.mycompany.myapp.impl;

import javax.servlet.*;
import org.openxava.util.*;
import com.openxava.naviox.impl.*;

public class MyCustomSignInHelperProvider extends ProSignInHelperProvider {
    public boolean isAuthorized(
		ServletRequest request, String userName, 
		String password, Messages errors, String unauthorizedMessage) 
        // This is your custom authentication logic
        if (userName.equals("admin") && password.equals("masterkey")) return true; 
        // In the next line we rely in the default XavaPro authentication logic
        return super.isAuthorized(request, userName, password, errors, unauthorizedMessage);

In this case the logic is simple, if the user type "masterkey" as password for "admin" user it access to the application as "admin", otherwise the regular authentication logic of XavaPro is applied. However, here you can write any logic you want, including calling web services, reading your own users database, consulting your LDAP directory in the way you want, etc.
In order your application uses the above class for authentication you have to add the next entry in the file of your project:

Custom Sign In page (new in v7.1)

To define your own custom Sign In page create a JSP inside the src/main/webapp/naviox folder in your project, maybe you need to create the naviox folder. For example, you could create a mySignIn.jsp (or whatever name you want except signIn.jsp) with this content:
<div>Hi, I'm a custom sign in page</div>
<jsp:include page="signIn.jsp"/>
In this case we include the original Sign In page (signIn.jsp) adding some additional content, but you can create the page from scratch, or include your own OpenXava module (look at the original signIn.jsp code) that use your own entity and controllers.
In order your application uses the above Sign In page you have to add the next entry in the file of your project:

Single Sign-On (SSO) (new in v7.1)

Since XavaPro 7.1 you can use Azure AD to give SSO to your OpenXava applications. Look at the SSO with Azure AD guide.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) (new in v7.1)

Since XavaPro 7.1 you can use Azure AD to give Two-Factor Authentication to your OpenXava applications. Look at the SSO with Azure AD guide.