openxava / documentation / Lesson 26: References & collections

Course: 1. Getting started | 2. Basic domain model (1) | 3. Basic domain model (2) | 4. Refining the user interface | 5. Agile development6. Mapped superclass inheritance | 7. Entity inheritance | 8. View inheritance | 9. Java properties | 10. Calculated properties | 11. @DefaultValueCalculator in collections | 12. @Calculation and collections totals | 13. @DefaultValueCalculator from file | 14. Manual schema evolution | 15. Multi user default value calculation | 16. Synchronize persistent and computed propierties | 17. Logic from database  | 18. Validating with @EntityValidator 19. Validation alternatives  | 20. Validation on remove  21. Custom Bean Validation annotation  | 22. REST service call from validation  | 23. Attributes in annotations  | 24. Refining the standard behavior | 25. Behavior & business logic | 26. References & collections | A. Architecture & philosophy | B. Java Persistence API | C. Annotations | D. Automated testing

Table of contents

Lesson 26: References & collections
Refining reference behavior
Validation is good, but not enough
Refining action for searching reference with list
Searching the reference typing in fields
Refining action for searching reference typing key
Refining collection behavior
Refining the list for adding elements to a collection
Refining the action to add elements to a collection
In previous lessons you learned how to add your own actions. However this is not enough to fully customize the behavior of your application, because the generated user interface, in concrete the user interface for references and collections, has a standard behavior that sometimes is not the most convenient.
Fortunately, OpenXava provides many ways to customize the behavior for references and collections. In this lesson you will learn how to do some of these customizations, and how this adds value to your application.

Refining reference behavior

You might have noticed that the Order module has a little slip: the user can add any invoice he wants to the current order, even if the invoice customer was different. This is not acceptable. Let's fix it.

Validation is good, but not enough

The user can only associate an invoice to an order if both, invoice and order, belong to the same customer. This is specific business logic of your application, so the standard OpenXava behavior does not solve it. The next image shows as a validation error is produced when customer of invoice is incorrect:
Since this is business logic we are going to put it in the model layer, that is, in the entities. We'll do it adding a validation. Thus you'll get the effect of the above figure. You already know how to add this validation to your Order entity. It's just adding a method annotated with @AssertTrue:
public class Order {


    // This method must return true for this order to be valid
    private boolean isInvoiceCustomerMatches() {
    	return invoice == null || // invoice is optional
    		invoice.getCustomer().getNumber() == getCustomer().getNumber();

Also you have to add the message to src/main/resources/i18n/
customer_order_invoice_must_match=The customer of the invoice and the order must match
Here we verify that the customer of the invoice is the same as the customer of this order. This is enough to preserve the data integrity, but this validation alone is a poor option from the user viewpoint.

Refining action for searching reference with list

Although validation prevents the user from assigning an incorrect invoice to an order, he has a hard time trying to find a correct invoice. Because when the user clicks to search an invoice, all existing invoices are shown. We are going to improve this for showing only the invoices from the customer of the current displayed order, in this way:
For defining our own search action for the invoice reference we will use the @SearchAction annotation. Here you have the needed modification in Order class: 
public class Order extends CommercialDocument {

    @SearchAction("Order.searchInvoice") // To define our own action to search invoices
    Invoice invoice;

In this simple way we define the action to execute when the user clicks on the flashlight button to search an invoice. The argument used for @SearchAction, Order.searchInvoice, is the qualified name of the action, that is the action searchInvoice of the controller Order as defined in controllers.xml file. Now we have to edit controllers.xml to add the definition of our new action:
<controller name="Order">

    <action name="searchInvoice"
        hidden="true" icon="magnify"/>
        hidden="true" : Because we don't want the action to be shown in module button bar
        icon="magnify" : The same icon as for the standard search action
Our action extends from ReferenceSearchAction as shown in the next code:
package com.yourcompany.invoicing.actions; // In 'actions' package

import org.openxava.actions.*; // To use ReferenceSearchAction

public class SearchInvoiceFromOrderAction
    extends ReferenceSearchAction { // Standard logic for searching a reference

    public void execute() throws Exception {
        int customerNumber =
            getView().getValueInt("customer.number"); // Reads from the view the
                                         // customer number of the current order
        super.execute(); // It executes the standard logic that shows a dialog
        if (customerNumber > 0) { // If there is customer we use it to filter
            getTab().setBaseCondition("${customer.number} = " + customerNumber);
Note how we use getTab().setBaseCondition() to establish a condition for the list to choose the reference. That is, from a ReferenceSearchAction you can use getTab() to manipulate the way the search list behaves.
If there is no customer we don't add any condition so all the invoices will be shown, this is the case when the user chooses the invoice before choosing the customer.

Searching the reference typing in fields

The list for choosing a reference already works fine. However, we want to give the user the possibility to choose the invoice without the list, by just typing the year and number. Very useful if the user already know which invoice he wants. OpenXava provides this functionality by default. If the @Id fields are displayed in the reference they are used for searching, otherwise OpenXava uses the first displayed field to search. This is not convenient in our case, because the first displayed field is the year, and searching an invoice only by year is not very precise. The following image shows the default behavior and a more convenient alternative:
Fortunately it's easy to indicate which fields we want to use to search from a user perspective. This is done by means of @SearchKey annotation. Just edit the CommercialDocument class (remember, the parent of Order and Invoice) and add that annotation to the year and number properties:
abstract public class CommercialDocument extends Deletable {

    @SearchKey // Add this annotation here
    int year;

    @SearchKey // Add this annotation here 
    int number;
In this way when the user searches an order or invoice from a reference he must type the year and the number, and the corresponding entity will be retrieved from database and will populate the user interface.
Now it's easy for the user to choose an invoice for the order without using the searching list, just by typing year and number.

Refining action for searching reference typing key

Now that retrieving an invoice by the year and number is usable, we want to refine it in order to help our user to do his work more efficiently. For example, it would be useful that if the user has not chosen a customer for the order yet and he chooses an invoice, the customer of that invoice will be assigned to the current order automatically. The following image visualizes the wanted behavior:
On the other hand, if the user already has selected the customer for the order, if he is not the same in the invoice, it will be rejected and a message error displayed, just in this way:
For defining this special behavior we have to add an @OnChangeSearch annotation in the the invoice reference of Order. @OnChangeSearch allows you to define your own action to do the search of the reference when its key changes in the user interface. You can see the modified reference here:
public class Order extends CommercialDocument {
    @OnChangeSearch(OnChangeSearchInvoiceAction.class) // Add this annotation
    Invoice invoice;
From now on when the user types a new year and number for the invoice, the logic of OnChangeSearchInvoiceAction will be executed. In this action you have to read the invoice data from database and update the user interface. This is the action code:
package com.yourcompany.invoicing.actions; // In 'actions' package

import java.util.*;
import org.openxava.actions.*; // To use OnChangeSearchAction
import org.openxava.model.*;
import org.openxava.view.*;
import com.yourcompany.invoicing.model.*;

public class OnChangeSearchInvoiceAction 
    extends OnChangeSearchAction { // Standard logic for searching a reference when
                                   // the key values change in the user interface (1)
    public void execute() throws Exception {
        super.execute(); // It executes the standard logic (2)
        Map keyValues = getView()// getView() here is the reference view, not the main one (3)
        if (keyValues.isEmpty()) return; // If key is empty no additional logic is executed
        Invoice invoice = (Invoice) // We search the Invoice entity from the typed key (4)
            MapFacade.findEntity(getView().getModelName(), keyValues);
        View customerView = getView().getRoot().getSubview("customer"); // (5)
        int customerNumber = customerView.getValueInt("number");
        if (customerNumber == 0) { // If there is no customer we fill it (6)
            customerView.setValue("number", invoice.getCustomer().getNumber());
        else { // If there is already customer we verify that he matches the invoice customer (7)
            if (customerNumber != invoice.getCustomer().getNumber()) {
                    invoice.getCustomer().getNumber(), invoice, customerNumber);
Given the action extends from OnChangeSearchAction (1) and we use super.execute() (2) it behaves just in the standard way, that is, when the user types a year and number the invoice data is retrieved and fills the user interface. Afterwards, we use getView() (3) to obtain the key of the displayed invoice to find the corresponding entity using MapFacade (4). From inside an OnChangeSearchAction getView() returns the subview of the reference, and not the global view. Therefore, in this case getView() is the view of the invoice reference. This allows you to create more reusable @OnChangeSearch actions. Thus you have to write getView().getRoot().getSubview("customer") (5) to access to the customer view.
To implement the behavior visualized in the previous image, the action asks if there is no customer (customberNumber == 0) (6). If this is the case it fills the customer from the customer of the invoice. Otherwise it implements the logic from previous image verifying that the customer of the current order matches the customer of the retrieved invoice.
The last remaining detail is the message text. Add the next entry to the file of src/main/resources/i18n folder.
invoice_customer_not_match=Customer Nº {0} of invoice {1} does not match with customer Nº {2} of the current order
One interesting thing about @OnChangeSearch is that it is also executed when the invoice is chosen from a list, because in this case the year and number of the invoice also changes. Hence, this is a centralized place to refine the logic for retrieving the reference and populating the view.

Refining collection behavior

We can refine collections in the same way we have refined references. This is very useful, because it allows us to improve the current behavior of the Invoice module. The user can only add an order to an invoice if the invoice and the orders belongs to the same customer. Moreover, the order must be delivered and must not have an invoice yet.

Refining the list for adding elements to a collection

Currently when the user tries to add orders to an invoice all the orders are available. We are going to improve this for showing only the orders from the customer of the invoice, delivered and with not invoice yet, just as shown:
We will use the @AddAction annotation for defining our own action to show the list for adding orders. The following code shows the needed modification in Invoice class.
public class Invoice extends CommercialDocument {

    @AddAction("Invoice.addOrders") // To define our own action to add orders
    Collection<Order> orders;

In this simple way we define the action to execute when the user clicks on the button to add orders. The argument used for @AddAction, Invoice.addOrders, is the qualified name of the action, that is the action addOrders of the controller Invoice as defined in controllers.xml file.
Now we have to edit controllers.xml to add the Invoice controller (it does not exist yet) definition with our new action:
<controller name="Invoice">
    <extends controller="Invoicing"/>

    <action name="addOrders"
        hidden="true" icon="table-row-plus-after"/>
        hidden="true" : Because we don't want the action to be shown in module button bar
        icon="table-row-plus-after" : The same icon as for the standard action

This is the action code:
package com.yourcompany.invoicing.actions; // In 'actions' package

import org.openxava.actions.*; // To use GoAddElementsToCollectionAction

public class GoAddOrdersToInvoiceAction
    extends GoAddElementsToCollectionAction { // Standard logic to go to
                                              // adding collection elements list
    public void execute() throws Exception {
        super.execute(); // It executes the standard logic, that shows a dialog
        int customerNumber =
            getPreviousView() // getPreviousView() is the main view (we are in a dialog)
                .getValueInt("customer.number"); // Reads the customer number
                                                 // of the current invoice from the view
        getTab().setBaseCondition( // The condition of the orders list to add
            "${customer.number} = " + customerNumber +
            " and ${delivered} = true and ${invoice} is null"
Note how we use getTab().setBaseCondition() to establish a condition for the list to choose the entities to add. That is, from a GoAddElementsToCollectionAction you can use getTab() to manipulate the way the list behaves.

Refining the action to add elements to a collection

A useful improvement for the orders collection would be that when the user adds orders to the current invoice, the detail lines of those orders will be copied automatically to the invoice.
We cannot use the @AddAction for this, because it is the action to show the list to add elements to the collection. But this is not the action that adds the elements.
Let's learn how to define the action that actually adds the elements:
Unfortunately, there is not an annotation to directly define this 'Add' action. However, that is not a very difficult task, we only have to refine the @AddAction instructing it to show our own controller, and in this controller we can put the actions we want. Given we already have defined our @AddAction in the previous section we only have to add a new method to the already existing GoAddOrdersToInvoiceAction class. Add the next getNextController() method to your action:
public class GoAddOrdersToInvoiceAction ... {


    public String getNextController() { // We add this method
        return "AddOrdersToInvoice"; // The controller with the available actions
    }                                // in the list of orders to add
By default the actions in the list of entities to add (the ADD and CANCEL buttons) are from the standard OpenXava controller AddToCollection. Overwriting getNextController() in our action allows us to define our own controller instead. Add the next definition in controllers.xml for our custom controller for adding elements:
<controller name="AddOrdersToInvoice">
    <extends controller="AddToCollection" /> <!-- Extends from the standard controller -->
    <!-- Overwrites the action to add -->
    <action name="add"
        class="com.yourcompany.invoicing.actions.AddOrdersToInvoiceAction" />
In this way the action to add orders to the invoice is AddOrdersToInvoiceAction. Remember that the goal of our action is to add the orders to the invoice in the usual way, but also to copy the detail lines from those orders to the invoice. This is the code of the action:
package com.yourcompany.invoicing.actions; // In 'actions' package

import java.rmi.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.ejb.*;
import org.openxava.actions.*; // To use AddElementsToCollectionAction
import org.openxava.model.*;
import org.openxava.util.*;
import org.openxava.validators.*;
import com.yourcompany.invoicing.model.*;

public class AddOrdersToInvoiceAction
    extends AddElementsToCollectionAction { // Standard logic for adding
                                            // collection elements
    public void execute() throws Exception {
        super.execute(); // We use the standard logic "as is"
        getView().refresh(); // To display fresh data, including recalculated
    }                        // amounts, which depend on detail lines

    protected void associateEntity(Map keyValues) // The method called to associate
        throws ValidationException, // each entity to the main one, in this case to
            XavaException, ObjectNotFoundException,// associate each order to the invoice
            FinderException, RemoteException
        super.associateEntity(keyValues); // It executes the standard logic (1)
        Order order = (Order) MapFacade.findEntity("Order", keyValues); // (2)
        order.copyDetailsToInvoice(); // Delegates the main work to the entity (3)
We overwrite the execute() method only to refresh the view after the process. Really, we want to refine the logic for associating an order to the invoice. The way to do this is overwriting the associateEntity() method. The logic here is simple, after executing the standard logic (1) we search the corresponding Order entity and then call the copyDetailsToInvoice() in that Order. Luckily we already have a method to copy details from an Order to the specified Invoice, we just call this method.
Now you only have to create a new invoice, choose a customer and add orders. It is even easier than using the list mode of Order module because from Invoice module only the suitable orders for the customer are shown.


This lesson has shown you how to refine the standard behavior of references and collections in order for your application to fit the users needs. Here you only have seen some illustrative examples, but OpenXava provides many more possibilities for refining collections and references, such as the next annotations: @ReferenceView, @ReadOnly, @NoFrame, @NoCreate, @NoModify, @NoSearch, @AsEmbedded, @SearchAction, @DescriptionsList, @LabelFormat, @Action, @OnChange, @OnChangeSearch, @Editor, @CollectionView, @EditOnly, @ListProperties, @RowStyle, @EditAction, @ViewAction, @NewAction, @SaveAction, @HideDetailAction, @RemoveAction, @RemoveSelectedAction, @ListAction, @DetailAction and @OnSelectElementAction. Look at the Reference customization and Collection customization sections of reference guide.
And if that wasn't enough you always have the option of defining your own editor for references or collections. Editors allows you to create a custom user interface component for displaying and editing the reference or collection.
This flexibility allows you to use automatic user interfaces for practically any possible case in real life business applications.

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