JxlsCell |
JxlsCell: a class to wrap and simplify the use of Apache POI Cell in the context of OpenXava
JxlsWorkbook wb = new JxlsWorkbook("Test");
JxlsSheet sheet = wb.addSheet("Test");
JxlsCell cell = sheet.setValue(4, 4, 2);
cell.setSpan(2, 1).setHyperLink("http://www.openxava.org");
sheet.setValue(4, 5, "Test").setSpan(3, 1);
JxlsSheet |
JxlsSheet: a class to wrap and simplify the use of Apache POI Sheet in the context of OpenXava
As per Excel, the rows and colums start at 1
Types of cells:
Date, Number, Formulas and Text
Formulas can be encoded as
Excel: A1, $A1, A$1, $A$1, R1C1 (R[-1]C1 is not implemented)
Jxls: R1C1, $R1C1, R1$C1, $R1$C1
and they can start with =
JxlsWorkbook wb = new JxlsWorkbook("Test");
JxlsSheet sheet = wb.addSheet("Test");
sheet.setValue(3, 4, "Pi", wb.addStyle(TEXT).setAlign(CENTER).setBold());
sheet.setValue(4, 4, 3.141592654, wb.addStyle(FLOAT).setAllBorders(THIN_BORDER));
sheet.setFormula(4, 5, "=2*$R4$C4", wb.addStyle("##0.0000"));
sheet.setFormula(4, 6, "=2*R4C4", wb.addStyle("##0.000"));
JxlsStyle |
JxlsStyle: a class to wrap and simplify the use of Apache POI CellStyle in the context of OpenXava
JxlsStyle should not be instantiated directly, but rather created through workbook.addStyle(style)
each setProperty returns the style so the setProperty's can be chained
JxlsWorkbook wb = new JxlsWorkbook("Test");
JxlsSheet sheet = wb.addSheet("Test");
JxlsStyle boldCenteredTextS = wb.addStyle(TEXT).setAlign(CENTER).setBold();
JxlsStyle boldCenteredTextBorderedS = wb.addClonedStyle(boldCenteredTextS).setBorder(BOTTOM, BORDER_THIN);
sheet.setValue(3, 4, "Pi", boldCenteredTextS);
sheet.setValue(4, 4, "Pi", boldCenteredTextBorderedS);
JxlsWorkbook |
JxlsWorkbook: a class to wrap and simplify the use of Apache POI Workbook in the context of OpenXava
JxlsWorkbook's can be created:
- empty JxlsWorkbook wb = new JxlsWorkbook("Test");
- from a TableModel JxlsWorkbook wb = new JxlsWorkbook(tableModel, "Test");
- from an xls file JxlsWorkbook wb = new JxlsWorkbook(xlsFile);
JxlsWorkbook wb = new JxlsWorkbook("Test");
JxlsSheet sheet = wb.addSheet("Test");
sheet.setValue(3, 4, "Pi", wb.addStyle(TEXT).setAlign(CENTER).setBold());
sheet.setValue(4, 4, 3.141592654, wb.addStyle(FLOAT).setAllBorders(THIN_BORDER));
sheet.setFormula(4, 5, "=2*$R4$C4", wb.addStyle("##0.0000"));
sheet.setFormula(4, 6, "=2*R4C4", wb.addStyle("##0.000"));
wb.write(new FileOutputStream("c:/Test.xls"));
Use of POI more advanced functionalities
JxlsWorkbook wb = new JxlsWorkbook("Test");
JxlsSheet sheet = wb.addSheet("Test");
sheet.setValue(3, 4, "Pi", wb.addStyle(TEXT).setAlign(CENTER).setBold());
Workbook poiWorkbook = wb.createPOIWorkbook();
// do an advanced function
poiWorkbook.write(new FileOutputStream("c:/Test.xls"));