Class OpenCollectionElementInNewTabAction

    • Constructor Detail

      • OpenCollectionElementInNewTabAction

        public OpenCollectionElementInNewTabAction()
    • Method Detail

      • isAvailable

        public boolean isAvailable()
        Description copied from interface: IAvailableAction
        If true the action will be available for the user, otherwise it will be hidden.
        This method is executed before determine if the action has to be shown, so before execute(). The action is configured completely (injecting all needed objects and properties) before calling isAvailable().
        Specified by:
        isAvailable in interface IAvailableAction
      • getForwardURI

        public java.lang.String getForwardURI()
        Description copied from interface: IForwardAction
        The URI to go.

        If it starts with "http://" or "https://" the action will forward to the absolute URL in internet (since v4m1). Since 7.1 using "javascript:" as prefix to execute JavaScript is not allowed. Since 4.0.1 if it starts with "javascript:" the corresponding code will executed by the browser. Since 5.9 you should use IJavaScriptPostAction to execute JavaScript because IForwardAction with javascript: does not update the page before executing the JavaScript, but executes the JavaScript instead. If it returns null the forwarding is not done.

        Specified by:
        getForwardURI in interface IForwardAction
      • getRow

        public int getRow()
      • setRow

        public void setRow​(int i)