Constant Field Values



  • com.openxava.naviox.Modules 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String FIRST_STEPS "FirstSteps"


  • org.openxava.controller.meta.MetaAction 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final int ALMOST_ALWAYS 2
    public static final int ALMOST_NEVER 0
    public static final int ALWAYS 4
    public static final int IF_POSSIBLE 1
    public static final int NEVER -1
  • org.openxava.controller.meta.MetaControllers 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String SWING "swing"
    public static final java.lang.String WEB "web"
  • org.openxava.model.MapFacade 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String MODEL_NAME "__MODEL_NAME__"
  • org.openxava.session.MyReport 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String SHARED_REPORT "__SHARED_REPORT__"
  • org.openxava.util.Users 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String ADMIN_OX "__ADMINOX__"
    public static final java.lang.String SHARED_OX "__SHAREDOX__"
  • org.openxava.util.jxls.JxlsConstants 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final short ALL 27
    public static final int AUTO_SIZE -1
    public static final boolean BOLD true
    public static final short BOTTOM 16
    public static final short CENTER 64
    public static final int DATE 3
    public static final int FLOAT 2
    public static final int INTEGER 1
    public static final short LEFT 1
    public static final short LEFT_RIGHT 3
    public static final short NONE 0
    public static final boolean PLAIN false
    public static final short RIGHT 2
    public static final int TEXT 0
    public static final short TOP 8
    public static final short TOP_BOTTOM 24
  • org.openxava.util.xmlparse.ParserBase 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    protected static final int ENGLISH 0
    protected static final int ESPANOL 1
  • org.openxava.util.xmlparse.XMLEntityResolver 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String OPENXAVA_DTD_ID "WEB-INF/classes/dtds"
  • org.openxava.web.meta.xmlparse.EditorsParser 
    Modifier and Type Constant Field Value
    public static final java.lang.String VALID_VALUES_TYPE "valid-values"